Monday, December 19, 2011

Treasured Christmas Memories

It's funny how the holidays make you nostalgic. As Christmas approaches, I've realized that some of my most treasured memories revolve around the holiday.

When I was about ten, my parents bought me a stereo for Christmas. After all the presents had been unwrapped, we put on music and danced around. My dad wasn't much for dancing, but he took the opportunity to teach me how to dance. It's a memory I'll cherish forever, waltzing around amidst the presents with my dad.

Growing up, we often spent Christmas with my paternal grandparents. Once we got older, we'd have Christmas at our house and they would sometimes come. However, it had been several years since I'd got to spend it with my grandparents.

A couple years ago, my mom decided to invite all the grandparents. Her dad accepted, but my dad's parents said they couldn't come because their car wasn't in good enough shape to make the trip. I was so disappointed and even offered to drive down. Little did I know that my grandfather had a trick up his sleeve.

My mom and I were in the kitchen on Christmas Eve prepping stuff for the next day when a truck pulled in the yard. She went out to see who it was and I heard her yell so I ran to the door, still holding a bag of flour because I was making cookies. When I saw it was my grandparents, I threw the bag of flour at my husband, not even waiting to see if he caught it, and rushed outside, not even stopping to put on shoes or a jacket.

Come to find out, my grandfather had decided to surprise us so he went out and bought a new truck for the trip. My dad was the only one who knew they were coming. Spending Christmas with my grandparents is something I'll cherish forever, especially since I lost both of my grandfathers not long afterwards.

What Christmas memories do you treasure?

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